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5 Steps To Discovering Your Purpose In Life

By Danijela Jokic Vaislay
Updated March 8, 2017

If you have no clue what to do in life and you are feeling stuck in a rut, without any direction or vision or goals, here are 5 steps you can take to get unstuck and find clarity.

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1. Do Some Journaling And Self Reflection

In order to really dive deep within yourself and discover what you want to do in life, you need to take some time alone and do some self-reflection.

Try traveling or spending some time in nature, to help you get in touch with your inner self.

Once you take some alone time and you get into that self-reflective state, do some journaling.

Write down your thoughts, your dreams, your frustrations, how do you feel right now. It is surprising how much we can learn about ourselves if we put our thoughts on the paper and read them later on.

This exercise will help you to get in touch with your inner guidance system, your intuition, your creative ideas, your hidden desires and to search for the answers you need.

2. Create A Vision Board And Envision Your Dream Life

Once you have done the journaling exercises, it is time for you to clarify what you want and to create a vision for your life.

Reach out for you journal again but this time write down what your ideal life would look like, what lifestyle you would like to have, what your ideal day would look and feel like, what would be your dream job. Once you have written it down, make it “visual” and “official” by creating a vision board.

Do not be afraid to dream big because this exercise will help you to discover what is it that you truly want and need in your life to make it more fulfilling and to be happy.

3. Set The Goals That Will Help You Get There

Once you have a vision for your dream life, it is time to take the next step: create an action plan to make them happen!

This step is very important because a good action plan will make sure that you set the right goals which will be achievable and help you to build an extraordinary life: the one you pinned on your vision board.

Take a look at your vision board and read the vision of your dream life carefully.

You need to get clarity about two things:

What is it that you want?

What action steps do you need to take that will help you get what you want?

Let’s say for example that you have many travel destinations on your vision board and in your dream life vision, you wrote that you would travel around the world or to specific places.

Now we know what is that you want deep inside of your heart and soul: you want to travel!

Traveling would make your life much more enriching, adventurous, joyful, exciting, and happier. The next step is to create an action plan with concrete steps that can help you travel more and make your dream come true.

Now, you need to write on the paper all the ideas that come to your mind of how you can achieve this goal, like for example, in order to travel more in your life, you could:

  • Find a job that includes traveling for work
  • Save some money each month for your dream vacation
  • Decide to draw your savings and spend one year traveling
  • Start a business which will help you earn more money so that you can travel
  • Start working on weekends or evenings or create some additional source of income (like teaching a foreign language, giving tuitions, selling your handicraft products, offering some service in your community) so that you can afford more traveling.

And so on…

This exercise you can do with any of your desired goals and dreams. Write down at least ten different ideas how you could make your dreams a reality. The more, the better!

5-Steps-To-Discovering-Your-Purpose-In-Life-pin 4. Test Drive Your Ideas

Once you have all your ideas on how you could make your dreams a reality on the paper, you need to size them on one or few that will work best for you, considering your current responsibilities, circumstances, and resources (money, time).

It is important that you start actually doing the things and that you start taking action because otherwise you will keep on (only) dreaming about your dream life!

So, test drive those ideas. Try them out. They might work. If they don’t work, cross them and try some other ideas from your list.

In order to live your dreams you will need to invest time and money and effort, but imagine how would you feel and how your life would look and how happy you would be if you make it happen and it will keep you motivated.

5. Get Some Tools And Guidance

What is it that you really want? What steps do you need to take to achieve your goals?

Think about how to explore all the creative ideas and possibilities for making your dreams a reality with the limitations and resources (money, time, people) that you have in your life right now.

Read personal growth books, attend personal growth workshops, listen to some good motivational speeches.

If you want long term and step by step guidance to achieve your desired goals and make your dreams a reality, hire a life coach.

Alternatively, sign up for online classes, events and webinars that you can watch straight from your home!

Bear in mind that if you change nothing, nothing will change. It is time for you to get unstuck and create an extraordinary life!

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Katherine Hurst
By Danijela Jokic Vaislay
Danijela Jokic Vailslay lives in India, and is a life coach. She is from Europe and has been featured and quoted in many international publications. She is living her dream and it is her mission to help other people pursue and achieve their own dreams and life goals.

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