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Kinesiology And Why It Can Benefit You

By Shauna Walker
Updated September 16, 2016

People are becoming increasingly aware of how important it is to not only take care of their health, but to do so in a natural way. This is why there is a renewed interested in Kinesiology, a practice that was founded back in 1976.

More and more people are discovering every day that the natural health care system of Kinesiology is able to improve not only their health, but also their vitality and well-being. However, there are also still people who are unsure or unaware of what a huge benefit Kinesiology can be.

What Exactly Is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a system that enables practitioners to apply a range of healing techniques that are not only powerful, but also very gentle. It combines muscle monitoring along with Chinese medicine principles to identify any imbalances in the body.

Because the focus of Kinesiology is on muscle feedback as well as body awareness, it is a very non-invasive method of healing. Although there are various branches of Kinesiology, most of them use muscle testing as their primary technique.

Who Can Benefit From Kinesiology?

Because Kinesiology has such wide-reaching applications, it can benefit virtually everyone. It can help children to improve their performance at school and parents to do the same at work. As it promotes health and well-being, it can even help relationships. Naturally, athletes also have a lot to gain from Kinesiology.

How Does Kinesiology Work?

A variety of factors, including fear or mental stress, along with the food that we eat and the amount of exercise we do daily, can have a huge impact on our muscle balance. This in turn influences other aspects of our bodies, such as energy levels, our posture and even the way in which we feel or function. This means that to function at our best, it is very important we are balanced in all aspects of our lives.

In Kinesiology it is believed that our bodies already have the innate healing energies required to take care of them. However, sometimes it might need a little help in order to achieve this care. Another thing that Kinesiology recognizes is the fact that the flow of energy that occurs within our bodies relates to every organ and tissue, including the muscles.

Kinesiologists are able to evaluate these energy flows through muscle function tests. In doing so they are able to determine what the overall state of chemical, emotional and structural balance of the body is.

Because Kinesiology looks beyond merely the symptoms, it allows practitioners to tap into the energies often overlooked by other healing methods. It is also a holistic therapy, as instead of treating the body as a series of separate parts it looks at it as a whole. A Kinesiologist is able to locate imbalances and then use manipulation or acupressure on specific points to increase the energy flow again and help it to circulate.

Because of the amount of stress and pressure we deal with daily in modern life, the body is often in a constant state of flight-or-fight. Through Kinesiology, the pent-up energy in the muscles of the neck and back, which tend to be in a constant state of stress, can be released. This causes the body to relax and also gives the adrenal gland a much needed break.

What Can You Expect During A Kinesiology Session?

When seeing a Kinesiologist for your first session you will typically be asked a series of questions to find out why you want the treatment and what your expectations of the outcome are. In most cases a comprehensive case study is also compiled by the Kinesiologist in regards to injuries, diet, emotional state and other lifestyle factors.

Although methods might differ, in general a Kinesiologist positions your limb in such a manner that its muscles are in a contracted position. Pressure is then applied gently, which must then be matched from your side.

Remember, it is not a strength testing exercise, but is used by the Kinesiologist to measure the responsiveness of the muscle to the additional pressure. The response from the muscle, whether it unlocks or remains contracted, then helps the Kinesiologist to find out what the priority stressors are.

Anyone who is worried that the methods used by Kinesiologists are uncomfortable can rest assured, as they do not cause discomfort or pain. Your Kinesiologist will usually be happy to explain to you exactly what they are doing, as well as why and what the desired effect should be. However, bear in mind that, like most types of complementary or alternative therapy, the use of Kinesiology should not be seen as a substitute for treatment by a medical professional.

Although no doctor’s referral is necessary for Kinesiology treatment, it is always wise to consult your physician first before taking part in a therapeutic fitness regimen. In many cases only one session is needed to address most conditions, but different conditions might respond differently. One of the biggest advantages of Kinesiology is that it is a type of treatment that continues to work even weeks after treatment. Some people also experience instant relief after a Kinesiology session, although others might require a few more to fully experience the benefits.

What Are The Balancing Methods Used By Kinesiologists?

After Kinesiologists have used muscle monitoring to determine where there are issues with the body, they then use a variety of different methods to bring the body back into balance. Some of the common methods include the tracing or massaging of meridians, relaxation and visualization work, breath work, as well as the tapping or holding of acupressure points.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is not only a holistic therapy, but also has practitioners who specialize in different forms of Kinesiology. While all of them make use of the muscle testing, their techniques might differ slightly. In addition to classical Kinesiology, the Kinesiology Federation recognizes branches such as Wellness Kinesiology, Progressive Kinesiology, Educational Kinesiology, Creative Kinesiology and Health Kinesiology.

When Kinesiology therapy is used for health problems the focus is usually on physical and mental ailments. Back pain, injuries, digestive problems, common aches and pains, and c Pin It hronic fatigue are all examples of physical ailments commonly treated by Kinesiology. Mental ailments include learning disabilities, emotional stress, depression, phobias and fears, past trauma and others.

Other issues that have been successfully treated by Kinesiology include behavioral problems, communication abilities, sleep disorders, anxiety and even ADD/ADHD. Even children who suffer from problems such as stuttering, bed-wetting and clumsiness can benefit from Kinesiology to assist them and help build their self-confidence.

Even those who are not suffering from any ailments can benefit, as it can help to protect the body against illnesses and infection by strengthening the immune system. A skilled Kinesiologist is also able to use it to discover if you are suffering from any type of malnutrition or have food allergies.


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Katherine Hurst
By Shauna Walker
Personal trainer, fitness coach and wellness expert for over twenty years. Shauna is able to connect personally with her clients because I faced my own wellness challenges at a young age. She started her personal journey towards feeling fit and healthy twenty years ago, and has never looked back. Once struggling with her weight, she also had confidence issues and found it hard to stick with diet and exercise. Shauna managed to break free of this struggle, and now wants to give back and share the lessons she has learned.

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