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Your Intuitive Guide To Not Burning Out

By LeslieBeth Wish
Updated June 5, 2016

When I think of feelings of burn-out, the image that comes to mind is the figure of the Titan god Atlas who struggles to hold up the world.

The Greek god Zeus was angry that Atlas sided with the Titans in a war against the Olympians. After the Titans lost, Zeus punished him. Since Atlas was the god of endurance and astronomy, Zeus condemned him to hold up the sky and all the lands forever.

To get a quick sense of what burn-out feels like, click on the time on your computer to reveal the clock face. Now, if possible, raise your arms high over your head for forty-five seconds. By about fifteen seconds your arms are already starting to ache. Keep holding your arms high for as long as you can without harming yourself. That physical ache and feeling that you can’t last a second longer in whatever is going on in your life are the symptoms of burn-out.

It’s likely that you know when you feel burned-out. But you may not recognize some of the warning signs ahead of time. Intuitive people identify early their unique stress indicators, and they are able to take effective action.

So, let’s begin with boosting your burn-out intuition skills in detecting your emotional, physical and mental strain. The twelve statements below are not intended to be a complete professional diagnosis. Everyone is different.

Select the word that best describes your agreement with the sentences in the list below. There is no score. The purpose is to make you aware of your unique reactions.

1. By the end of the day I just want to go to sleep or be left alone.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

2. I have trouble concentrating.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

3. I am moody.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

4. I feel pessimistic.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

5. I think I have brought too many of my problems on myself.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

6. I am anxious.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

7. I don’t have the kind of luck that other people have in their lives.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

8. I am not eating healthily.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

9. I am a perfectionist.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

10. I have a lot of body aches and pains and headaches.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

11. Nothing really interests me any longer.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

12. I don’t get a good night’s sleep.

  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

Go back and take a look at your answers. What patterns do you see? Think about the intensity, frequency and duration of these signs.

How many did you choose as Often? Mental health guidelines recommend that if your most frequent and intense symptoms last for more than two weeks that you should consult a mental health professional. You can boost your intuition by reviewing your answers to the statements and becoming more aware of your coping strengths or weaknesses.But being aware is just the first step. Intuitive people know what actions and thoughts are necessary to take charge of their burn-out. In the list below I’ve included the most effective tips from my clients and research participants.

Your Intuitive Burn-Out Tips

This list works best if you write each on a separate index card and read them out loud to yourself whenever you feel burned-out.

1. I will delegate tasks.

2. I will ask for help.

3. I will not burden myself with perfectionism.

4. I will not play martyr and take things on that I shouldn’t.

5. I will make my own luck by doing any or all of the following:

  • Network professionally by going to meetings, get-togethers and other social and
  • professional events—and pushing myself to meet and connect with people
  • Take classes to boost my skills and expertise
  • Let my boss or supervisor know of my accomplishments and progress
  • Do community and professional volunteer work
  • Get a long-range plan and break it down into small steps
  • Tell my best friends and family members about my plans and ask for their help and ideas Pin It

6. I will seek professional mental health help if I answered many of the statements as Always or Often—or if I have this inner sense that I need help.

7. I will tell myself many times” “I deserve good things. Many things are not my fault.”

8. I will do something nice and relaxing for myself and/or my family.

When you practice these tips, you will boost your intuitive judgment and sense of control over your life.

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Katherine Hurst
By LeslieBeth Wish
LeslieBeth (LB) Wish, Ed.D, MSS, is an award-winning, nationally honored licensed clinical psychotherapist, recognized for her pioneering research-based books about women, family and couples. The National Association of Social Workers named her as one of the Top Fifty in the country. She helps others to act with respect for themselves so they can become brave, smart and intuitive in love, life, work and happiness. LeslieBeth is a wife, stepmother and professional with a passion for embracing the world and its beauty.

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